Steve Yen
About Artist
“I’ll Write Myself a Love Song” Listen to it on Spotify: I’ll Write Myself a Love Song.
“Over the Phone” Listen to it on Spotify: Over the Phone.
Over the past twenty years in prison, I have learned to use songwriting to process my emotions, identifying how they affect my thinking and actions. This practice has given me the opportunity to seek and learn healthy ways to deal with the stresses and trauma of life.
I aspire to become a professional musician, meeting, collaborating with, and learning from other artists. I want to create songs that people can relate to and that last the test of time.
I am also an assistant producer with the award winning Ear-Hustle podcast, sharing the stories of the incarcerated with the outside world .https://www.earhustlesq.com/
In addition, I plan to use my music as a platform to further my social justice efforts to create safer communities. As a co founder of the people in blue https://thepeopleinblue.home. blog/ . I have provided experienced recommendations through interviews and reports https://thepeopleinblue.home. blog/ , as a facilitator of rehabilitation programs within he cdcr, to Governor Gavin Newsome’s advisory council, which they have used to create their plan for the transformation of San Quentin report https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/news/ 2024/01/05/report-to- transform-san-quentin- submitted-to-cdcr/
I believe that musicians and artists have a unique platform to not only entertain but to advocate for social justice to improve society, which I plan to do.
If you are interested in my music and or can provide assistance, please contact my support at. Allmymusic345@gmail.com