Lee Jaspar
About Artist
Born in Sacramento, Lee is a professional musician who plays four instruments and teaches. Honorably discharged from the United States Air Force, Lee played guitar for the Air Force Band at McChord AFB in Washington State. He is currently the Video Librarian for the San Quentin Television division of the San Quentin Media Center. He taught music theory at California Medical Facility and through the sponsorship of Mount Tamalpais College Program at San Quentin.
Lee was a child prodigy who began playing the piano at five years old. He started studying guitar when he was eight. Bass was an important part of his compositions so he studied this instrument as well. Lee was also fortunate enough to receive vocal training from Joyce Diamond who was one of the original “Chiffons.” The Chiffons had a top 40 hit called, “He’s So Fine” back in the 60s. After Joyce left the Chiffons, she began singing and performing jazz with Jessica Williams. Young players like Lee also had the opportunity to work with Joyce and greatly benefited from her talent and experience in the world of jazz.
In 1996, Lee was sentenced under three strikes and has been in prison for 28 years. Through many rehabilitation programs he has participated in over the last three decades, Lee has come to understand his responsibility to the community and the people he has harmed. Each day his work is invigorated with opportunities to serve. The Artwork Initiative is tailor made to his gifts and desire to serve the incarcerated community as well as all people in the state of California and beyond.
Lee feels very fortunate to have this and many other opportunities to prove his rehabilitation through service to his community. He has dedicated his life to service as part of his lifelong commitment to redirect his energy into a vision that values others. Wherever he happens to be, he sees those around him as his community and that in itself creates a blessed opportunity to continue to make amends.