Lamavis Comundoiwilla
Img. Credit PeterMerts.com
About Artist
Lamavis Comundoiwilla started his journey back in 1998 as he steadily learned to express himself through art. He formally started learning to paint when he was transferred to San Quentin in 2018, thanks to the Arts and Correction program, the William James Association, and the California art Council.
Lamavis was given support in his pursuit of the arts, which led to him creating a “fusion” style of painting he describes as “merging pointillism with or more other styles of painting.”
He was awarded the 2023 John Sheridan price for the arts, featited at the Marin County fair, as well as the Bartolini gallery, UCLA and was recently featured on the cover of the NYU Center race inequality law report annual report (2022-2023) https://www.law. nyu.edu/centers/race- inequality-law
He was awarded First Place Prize at the 2019 Marin County Fair. His work has been featured at the Marin Civic Center Bartolini Gallery, San Francisco Airport Terminal, San Francisco Opera House Museum, the Sacramento, California, Capitol Building, University of Derby, England, (2019-2020) University of California, Berkeley, The Museum of the African Diaspora, and DreamCorp’s National Empathy Day and Black Futures Weekend events.